Friday, September 4, 2009

Things to ponder while "burning a steak"!

The other evening I had the pleasure to fire up the grill and lay a “new York strip” on it. Now the fire was going to do all the work and all I had to do was to sit down and wait for the cooking process to take place. So…………what is there to do while all that was going on………………?

There is a flight of steps close by where the grill sits that go up to the apartment over our house, so with time on my hands I sat down on them to wait. It wasn’t long before my attention was drawn to the sidewalk before me and all the drama that was taking place right beneath my feet.
There it was…. an Ant………now we’re talkin’ small here….a “tiny ant”…… had captured a housefly….but the fly still had some life in it. A struggle was taking place….between the ant and the fly.

Carrying a body over ones head that is three times larger than your own can be a chore any day. Add the fact that it is very much alive and struggling to free itself….and you have a real battle on your hands…or should I say….”over your head”.

The ant, holding on to its prey with all of its might, was stumbling all over the sidewalk. The fly would flap its wings taking the fly back several inches. The ant would hold on tighter and continue back in the direction it wanted to go. Surely, it was calling for reinforcements but so far….nothing was coming to its assistance.

The struggle went on for quite a few moments. Every now and then the ant draggin’ its prey would run into a dry blade of grass that was in its path. The ant would literally fling its load over the grass and while hanging on for “dear life” would find that the momentum catapulted it right along with the fly.

Hold on………’s time to turn the steak!

After several setbacks and obstacles had been crossed, reinforcements finally came from all the different cracks in the side walk and up out of the grass. The scene ended with a bevy of ants….carrying the now dead fly hoisted on their shoulders and marching toward their home somewhere into the jungle that I call “my back yard”. I could hear the faint sound of “hi ho…………………, hi ho…………………….it’s off to home we go…..” and before long they were all out of sight. Those little critters were going to have “fly steaks that night”……ye haaaaaaaa!

Now why in the world did God create ants; to drag off dead flies? Well......maybe… but I don’t believe that to be the real reason. Rather, the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament tells us “ants” are teachers! Imagine that!

Proverbs 6: 6-8 tells us
6 Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise! 7 Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, 8 they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter.

Right before my eyes I was seeing a demonstration that taught me a lot.

· Never give up my dreams….anything worth having is worth working for.

· Difficult things can be achieved in life when we work together. It may take a little time to assemble all the resources together for the task but it is doable.

· Do it today….we may not have tomorrow as an option. God had built into the “character” of the ant that it needed to do its work while the summer sun shone. Not only would this little fella have working conditions that would be extreme in winter but it is very doubtful that he would find any flies. Ever seen a fly in winter?

· If God has programmed the ant, such a small and insignificant critter, think how much more He has “programmed” you and me. God tells me in the Book of Genesis that I have been “crafted in His image”. I’ve been blessed with the best but it is up to me to “work the plan” that has been set before me. I really don’t have any excuses because God also tells me in Psalm 139 that I have been “fearfully and wonderfully made” and that all my days have been recorded in His “book of life” before one of them had ever occurred. I’m fully equipped…I don’t have any excuses.

Isn’t it interesting to know……….regardless of the circumstances of your birth that you’re not an ……………..”accident”.

Your life, just like the “ants” has a purpose.

Do you know what yours is….if you don’t know…why not ask God. He’ll tell you!

Oh Lord…………….I’ve nearly burned my steak!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Should one inquire.........

Yes, I am still among the living although this blog might indicate otherwise. I have been blessed with the chance to travel and see some of my children. I have a lot of things I would like to share but until they get put into print....join me as I sit on a rock and just admire the natural beauty that God has given us by means of Rocky Mountain National Park!